
Each year, we will ask you to report on your progress in order to renew your grant.  Your final report will cover the grant period as a whole. Your reports should include the following elements.

Progress or Final Report

You will submit a progress report (in the form of the grant renewal application) at the end of each 1 year funding period and a final report upon completion of this four year award. Your progress report will describe your department’s achievements during the preceding year and your plans for the upcoming year. A final report at the end of the four-year grant period will summarize your department’s performance in reaching this grant program’s objectives and discuss your ability to sustain these efforts going forward.


Along with your yearly progress reports, we will ask you to submit abstracts, written by the graduate students funded by this grant, which describe the pilot research supported by the award. Each student should also submit one or more photographs depicting themselves and/or their project, which we will publish on the Foundation’s website along with their abstracts. You are responsible for collecting the abstracts/photos and submitting them to the Foundation with your other documents. You should inform the graduate students of the reporting requirements and obtain their permission for the intended use of these materials as a condition to their receiving funding under this grant. Please ensure that they only submit images that are ethically sourced. See Wenner-Gren’s Standards of Practice for Photographs and Videos.


Financial Accounting

The Grantee must submit a Financial Accounting of the Grant Funds at the end of each period of funding as part of the progress reports and final report.

Please submit these documents to the Foundation upon the completion of each phase of your program supported. If you fail to do so and don’t offer a good excuse for the delay, we will designate your grant “closed-incomplete,” and you will become ineligible for further support.