Fejos Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ethnographic Film


On February 8, 2023 the Foundation started using a new portal link for submitting final reporting requirements.  If you received your Award Notice email with your final reporting instructions prior to that date, you may email your Final Reports directly to Mark Ropelewski at mropelewski@wennergren.org as originally instructed. Otherwise, please use the information and link provided in your award notice. We will review your report and notify you when your fellowship is complete.  If a week goes by and you still haven’t heard from us, please contact the Foundation to check on the status of your award. Be sure to update all contact information (mailing address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, etc.) when you send the final report.

We welcome photographs that capture the spirit of your project.  Please only send us images that are ethically sourced. See Wenner-Gren’s Standards of Practice for Photographs and Videos. We would be grateful if you would submit the written part of your report in file formats compatible with Microsoft Word or Excel 2010. If you have any questions, please email Mark Ropelewski at mropelewski@wennergren.org.

Final Report

The final report should cover the work you carried out during the fellowship period. Describe the nature of the film/s and any integrated media. We will use your report as a blog post on the Wenner-Gren Foundation web site. Please write the first person and in an accessible style. [Limit: 1500 words]

If your film is completed, you should: 1) describe your arrangements for disseminating the film, 2) provide web links to any integrated new media, references to the work, etc., and 3) provide a Vimeo link to a short film ‘leader’ for streaming on the Foundation web site with the blog description of the project and the project abstract.

If you have not finished your film, please include a timetable for completion.   You will need to provide us with the above information when it is done.


Your abstract should summarize your final report.  We will post it on the Foundation’s website. Please do your best to write in a style that is clearly understandable to a non-specialist. Use the third person. Discuss the content of your project undertaken and provide access details for the film and any integrated media if the film has already been produced. [Limit: 200 words]

Please submit these documents upon the completion of your fellowship. If you fail to do so and can’t offer a good excuse for the delay, we will designate your award “closed-incomplete,” and you will become ineligible for further support from the Foundation.