Applicant Profile

We will ask you to tell us about yourself. Our reviews are all double anonymous. Our reviewers will not have access to any of the following information:

  1. Applicant contact information. This includes your full legal name (first, middle, and surname), email address, and other contact details.

  2. Applicant educational history and current position. This includes your highest academic degree, the discipline of your degree, the year it was awarded, the institution where you received it, and your current academic appointment. We will also ask whether English is your and/or your institution’s primary scholarly language

  3. Applicant personal information (optional). In an effort to promote greater equity in funding, we ask whether you are willing to share some confidential demographic information about yourself. We will remove any identifiers and analyze this data in the aggregate. This section of the application is entirely optional. Your answers to these questions will have no bearing on the success of your application. Our questions concern citizenship, gender identity, pronouns, sexual identity, disability, caregiving responsibilities, your parents’ highest level of education, income insecurity, race and ethnicity, Indigenous affiliation, and how you decided to apply for this program.

Project Information

  1. Project title. This should be 15 words or fewer and contain enough information to tell us what your project is about.

  2. Three keywords or phrases that best describe your research.

  3. Your subdiscipline and regional or topical area.

  4. Beginning date and duration of writing time for which support is requested. Enter the expected beginning date, end date, and expected duration of the fellowship period. The beginning date of the fellowship must be after January 1 of the following year. The total fellowship period cannot exceed 9 consecutive months. The amount of the award is pro-rated according to the duration of the writing period. The maximum award is $40,000 for a nine-month project.

    If you would like to propose an alternative timeline involving less than full-time work on your project, you’ll have a chance to indicate this.  Please explain how and why you plan to divide your time, and what you will do to ensure you continue to make forward progress in your writing.

  5. Location where your writing will take place.

  6. Does your project include any additional research? If yes, please tell us how much time you plan to devoted to research activities and explain whether you are applying to other agencies to cover the cost of this work.

  7. Research permits and ethical approvals. You do not need to submit copies of research permits and permissions at the application stage. If your application is successful, the Foundation will request copies of the relevant documents when we notify you of your award. We will not release grant funds until we have received these materials.

    In your application, we do ask you to list the permit(s) required for the proposed project and the estimated date(s) by which you expect to secure them. Your knowledge of the required permits will help demonstrate your awareness of ethical issues your research could raise. This information allows us to evaluate whether your project is feasible and whether you are prepared to begin conducting research. Depending on the project, examples of permits include research visas, approvals or exemptions from institutional review boards and other ethics committees, human subject approvals, animal care and use approvals, government clearances, excavation permits, letters of affiliation, and permissions from the local scientific, academic, museum, institutional, or tribal authorities who oversee your research area. Please do not contact the Foundation to ask which permits you need; instead, consult with your contacts and/or advisors.

  8. Other sources of aid received or requested for the period of writing covered in this application.  Include any support you have received or applied for that relates to this fellowship application.  Here, we have in mind grants you might receive from other agencies and/or any compensation that might come with a sabbatical or other academic leave.


Your abstract is a very important component of your application. In language that an interested layperson could understand, you need to convey what’s at the heart of your project. Your abstract should begin broad and go narrow, communicating the major theme or debate in anthropology your research addressed, then explaining the particular question you investigated. It should convey the “why,” “what,” “where,” and “how” of your research while giving the reader a strong sense of the publication(s) you plan to finish to communicate your results. Your abstract will be the shortest part of your proposal, but it will also be the hardest to write.  You will need to have a very clear idea of your plans to do a good job. You probably should write it last. [Limit: 200 words]

Resubmission Statement

If you are resubmitting an application that was unsuccessful in a previous funding cycle, you will need to include a resubmission statement. In it, you’ll have an opportunity to tell us about the progress you’ve made since you last applied. How has your thinking developed? How have you refined your writing plans? How does this application differ from the previous one? How have you addressed the reviewers’ concerns? [Limit: 1000 words]

Project Description Questions

We will ask you to answer four project description questions. Our word limits are strict. To make the best possible case for your work, it’s a good idea to use all the space provided.

Question 1: Describe the research that forms the basis of your proposed writing project. What conclusions did you draw in this study? (If you are planning to conduct further research during the fellowship period, please explain how this work will help you achieve your publication goals.) [Limit: 1500 words]

When answering this question, you should clearly describe your specific research questions and preliminary conclusions you have reached. You must make clear how your findings further anthropological debates and add to the existing literature.  Show us that you have the evidence you need to support your broader claims. The Foundation looks carefully for proposals that locate an applicant’s research in the context of a larger body of work done by international scholars.

If you are asking for a period for additional research as part of your proposal, explain this part of your plan in your answer to Question 1. Be explicit about how this new research relates to the completed research. Explain why it’s so important for you to do this additional work now. Applicants should remember that the underlying objective of the award is to support writing for publication. Please note that you may spend no more than one quarter of the fellowship period on the research phase of your project.

Question 2: How did you gather evidence to support these conclusions? Describe your research design and process. (If you are planning to conduct further research, describe your research design and process for this future phase of your work.) [Limit: 500 words]

Provide a brief review of the research you conducted.   Tell us about the kind of evidence you collected, the analysis you used, and the reason why you chose the specific methodology or methodologies you employed.  Please also discuss the ethical issues raised by your research. We encourage you to think broadly about your ethical obligations to research participants, descendant communities, local stakeholders, and others affected by your work. (Note to applicants who work with human remains: we’re interested in understanding how you have constructed the identity of the people whose remains or tissues you are writing about and what efforts you and the institutions you are working with have made to engage with descendant communities.)

Question 3: Describe the publications you plan to complete during the period of the fellowship. Provide an annotated outline of their contents. [Limit: 500 words]

Give us a detailed picture of your publication plans. Provide an annotated outline of the book’s chapters or a description of the articles you will write and the subjects they will address. Please be specific about the content of your book or articles and the publishers or journals you will approach. Have publishers or journal editors shown interest in your work? Do you have a book contract is already in hand?

In addition, you should describe what you will need to accomplish during the fellowship period to bring your project to completion. Will you be editing/augmenting current drafts of chapter/s or articles? Will you be initiating all or part of the project from scratch? What else do you need to do?

Question 4: What contributions will this project make to one or more traditions of anthropology? The Wenner-Gren Foundation’s mission is to support innovative research in anthropology. We are interested in funding work that does more than simply add to an existing body of knowledge. How will your publications bring new insights to the field? [Limit: 250 words]

The Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship is very competitive. To succeed, you will need to convince us of the uniqueness and importance of your work. Many applicants have done excellent research and produced interesting case studies. How is your work distinctive?  What critical contribution to the discipline will your writing project make?

At Wenner-Gren, we understand anthropology broadly as the study of what is means to be human. A successful application is one that emphasizes the contribution of the proposed research not only to the specific area of research being addressed but also to the broader field. You should be explicit about what your book or articles will add to anthropological conversations in the broadest possible sense.

In answering this question, be sure you are building on the arguments you presented earlier in the proposal. Don’t make empty claims. Make a clear and well-substantiated case for the significance of intervention you hope to make.

Question 5: How will this fellowship help you advance in your career? What obstacles are preventing you from publishing your research, and how will this award help you overcome them? [Limit: 250 words]

The Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship plays an important role in the Wenner-Gren Foundation’s effort to address precarity. It can play a vital role in helping recent doctorates navigate difficult transitions in their careers. You may have tenure track job, but with a heavy teaching load and disproportionate mentoring obligations that don’t give you the time you need to prepare a file for promotion. You may be an adjunct professor barely getting by. You may have temporary employment as a postdoctoral scholar or research assistant whose time is spent on projects other than your own. You may have left academia for a job that gives you no time to publish your work. What difference will this fellowship make in your ability to move forward conversations in anthropology? We have designed this fellowship to help excellent research and writing find its way to interested readers, within anthropology and beyond. Why do you feel so much urgency to get your work out into the world now?

Optional URL for Access to Figures

You will have a chance to upload charts, maps, or graphs that you refer to in your response to the project description questions. Please use this option sparingly. Only include figures that are essential for communicating your plans and goals.


You should tailor your bibliography specifically for this proposal. Focus on your central research question and the broader conversations and debates that have inspired you. You’ll want to cite literature related to your approach to your topic, your research context, your methods, and any ethical issues raised by your research.

You’ll have a chance to upload your bibliography to our online application system. Please use a format compatible with Microsoft Word.

  1. Only list the sources that you cite in your resubmission statement or your responses to the project description questions. In-text citations should take the form of the authors’ name{s), year, and, where relevant, page number(s). Please format the citations as shown in these examples: (Baviskar 1995), (Friedner and Osborne 2015), (Nelson et al. 2017), (Zee 2020: 1068), (Baviskar 1995; Friedner and Osborne 2015; Nelson et al. 2017; Zee 2020: 1068).

  2. Your bibliography should not exceed 10 pages, using single-line spacing and 10-point font or larger.

  3. Make sure your bibliographic references are complete, listed in alphabetical order, and presented in one of the bibliographic formats found in major English language anthropological journals (such as Current Anthropology, Ethnos, or the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, among others). Whichever model you choose, be consistent throughout.