Applicant Profile

We will ask you to tell us about yourself and your co-applicant(s).

  1. Applicant and co-applicant(s) contact information. This includes your full legal name (first, middle, and surname), email address, and other contact details.

  2. Applicant and co-applicant(s) educational history and current position. This includes your highest academic degree, the discipline of your degree, the year it was awarded, and the institution where you received it. You’ll also need to describe your current academic appointment.  Here, you’ll have a chance to indicate whether you or any of your co-applicants are doctoral students and list your department, institution, and country of institution. We will also ask whether English is your and/or your institution’s primary scholarly language.

  3. Applicant personal information (optional). In an effort to promote greater equity in funding, we will ask whether you are willing to share some confidential demographic information about yourself. We will remove any identifiers and analyze this data in the aggregate. This section of the application is entirely optional. Your answers to these questions will have no bearing on the success of your application. Our questions concern citizenship, gender identity, pronouns, sexual identity, disability, caregiving responsibilities, your parents’ highest level of education, income insecurity, race and ethnicity, Indigenous affiliation, and how you decided to apply for this program.

Project Information

  1. Dates of the conference or workshop.

  2. Proposed title of the conference or workshop.

  3. Who will administer the conference or workshop? Let us know whether you intend to have an institution or an individual take care of meeting arrangements.

  4. Who will handle disbursement of funds? Identify the individual or institution who would take on this responsibility should you receive a grant.

  5. Sponsoring institution or organization, if any, and its role. Describe the responsibilities and degree of involvement of any sponsoring institution.

  6. Location of conference or workshop. Describe the meeting site and explain your reasons for selecting the venue.

  7. The amount requested from Wenner-Gren.

  8. Other sources of actual or potential aid. List sources, U.S. dollar amount, and budget items to be covered.

  9. Brief description of aim and scope of the conference or workshop and its rationale. Provide us with a concise description of approximately 200 words. If your application is successful, we will post this description on the Wenner-Gren website.


Your abstract is a very important component of your application. In language that an interested layperson could understand, you need to convey what’s at the heart of the event you are proposing. Your abstract should begin broad and go narrow, communicating the major theme or debate in anthropology the participants will address, then explaining the particular question(s) they will focus on. It should convey the “why,” “what,” and “where” of the gathering, while giving the reader a sense of the “how”—that is, how you will organize your workshop or conference to achieve your goals. Your abstract will be the shortest part of your proposal, but it will also be the hardest to write.  You will need to have a very clear idea of your plans to do a good job. You probably should write it last. [Limit: 200 words]


  1. Conference and workshop grants do not cover institutional overhead, honoraria and salary, or publication expenses.

  2. For both conference and workshop applications, we expect you to use the majority of the budget to facilitate the attendance of anthropologists who would not otherwise be able to attend (e.g., conference fees, travel, and accommodation expenses, etc). For workshop applications, you’ll need to list the participants for whom you are requesting travel funds and provide the approximate amounts for each.

  3. You may include organizational costs and expenses to run the conference in the budget; however, as a rule these budget categories should not make up the majority of the funds being requested.

  4. We do not fund retroactively. You may not use your grant to reimburse expenses incurred before you received notification of the success of your application.

Meeting Description

Question 1: What is the rationale for the conference or workshop, and what are your aims and objectives in holding the event? Address the current status of research on the topic and theme, the particular need for a conference or workshop at this time and with these participants, and the potential contribution of the event to anthropology. [Limit: 500 words]

Conference applications. Explain why you are holding the conference now. Is this gathering primarily intended to bring together scholars who would not normally have the opportunity to meet? Is it an annual or periodic conference designed to provide a forum to discuss new research on relevant topics? Is it a conference to explore new research on specific and well-defined topical issues? It is important to make a convincing case for the potential contribution of the conference to the field of anthropology.

Workshop applications. Explain the workshop’s aims in the context of current research in the relevant area. It is important to demonstrate that you have been following scholarly conversations relating to your theme, that you are not duplicating recently held meetings, and that you have invited a diverse and exciting set of scholars to take part in the workshop. What new insights will emerge as a result of bringing these particular individuals into the room? Your bibliography should reflect your understanding of the relevant literature.  The Foundation is interested in funding innovative meetings, and you should emphasize the unique aspects of your proposed workshop.

Question 2: What are the specific topics to be discussed during the conference or workshop? [Limit: 500 words]

Please give a detailed description of the topics to be discussed. How a conversation on these issues help you achieve the aims you described in your answer to Question 1?

Question 3: How will the event be structured? Describe the length, format, and structure of the conference or workshop. [Limit: 500 words]

Conference applications. Be as detailed as possible in your discussion of the format of the conference. Please differentiate between podium and poster presentations, describe any opportunities for discussion and debate, and let us know whether there will be any parallel sessions in the conference. How will this format help you foster discussion and debate? Is a publication planned?

Workshop applications. Demonstrate that the workshop will be long enough in duration to achieve the event’s goals. Explain why the workshop’s format makes sense, given the aims and objectives outlined in your answer to Question 1. Will the participants prepare and circulate papers prior to the meeting? Is enough time allotted for discussion? Is a publication planned?

Proposed list of participants

  1. Please note that for both conferences and workshops the Foundation prioritizes those applications with the broadest international representation of scholars. We are interested in supporting meetings that include individuals who will bring new and innovative insights to the conversation. Applications that include individuals who represent only one side of a debated issue or who frequently come together to discuss a particular topic are not prioritized for funding.

  2. Multidisciplinary meetings are encouraged by the Foundation; however, the invited and/or funded participants should normally include a majority of professional anthropologists.

  3. Conference applications. List the individuals you will fund through the Wenner-Gren grant. Please indicate those who have confirmed that they will participate. If this is not possible at this stage, please describe how you will distribute the funds to ensure that the maximum number of international scholars can attend the conference. Please note that the Foundation gives priority to funding the attendance of scholars who would not normally be able to attend such meetings because of lack of resources. Note the budgetary guidelines and particularly the requirement that the majority of funds be used to fund the attendance of international scholars at the conference.

  4. Workshop applications. List all the individuals you have invited to participate. Please indicate those who have confirmed that they will participate. Give their name, their academic (or other) affiliation, and their scholarly field. Also provide a short description of their scholarly contribution to the meeting (no more than a sentence or two). Reviewers pay particular attention to this information in the context of the stated goals of the workshop.


You should tailor your bibliography specifically for this proposal. Focus on the broader conversations and debates that have inspired you. You’ll want to cite literature related to the different issues that the conference or workshop will address.

You’ll have a chance to upload your bibliography to our online application system. Please use a format compatible with Microsoft Word.

  1. Only list the sources that you cite in your resubmission statement or your responses to the project description questions. In-text citations should take the form of the authors’ name{s), year, and, where relevant, page number(s). Please format the citations as shown in these examples: (Baviskar 1995), (Friedner and Osborne 2015), (Nelson et al. 2017), (Zee 2020: 1068), (Baviskar 1995; Friedner and Osborne 2015; Nelson et al. 2017; Zee 2020: 1068).

  2. Your bibliography should not exceed 10 pages, using single-line spacing and 10-point font or larger.

  3. Make sure your bibliographic references are complete, listed in alphabetical order, and presented in one of the bibliographic formats found in major English language anthropological journals (such as Current Anthropology, Ethnos, or the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, among others). Whichever model you choose, be consistent throughout.