The Chronology of Western Mediterranean and Saharan Prehistoric Cave and Rock Shelter Art
Jul 28 - Aug 3, 1960Organized by
Alberto C. Blanc and Luis PericotLocation
Burg Wartenstein Conference CenterPublications
Prehistoric Art of the Western Mediterranean and the Sahara (L. Pericot and E. Ripoll-Perelló, Eds.) Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, No. 39 (Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research) Aldine, Chicago, 1964. Los Abrigos Pintados de los Alrededores de Santolea (Teruel) (E. Ripoll-Perelló) Monografías de Arte Rupestre, Arte Levantino, No. 1, Instituto de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Diputación Provincial de Barcelona, 1961.Participants
- H.G. Bandi U. Bern, Switzerland
- M. Almagro Basch U. Madrid, Spain
- Jacques Blanchard
- Alberto C. Blanc U. Barcelona, Spain)
- P. Bosch-Gimpera U. Mexico
- H. Breuil Musee France Institute de Paleontologie Humaine
- F. Jorda Cerda Castellon de la Plana, Spain
- Raymond Lantier
- Henri Lhote Institute des Recherches Sahariennes
- Fabrizio Mori U. Roma, Italy
- Luis Pericot U. Barcelona, Spain
- Juan B. Porcar Ripolles Castellon de la Plana, Spain
- Eduardo Ripoll Perello U. Barcelona, Spain
- Adolph Schultz
- P. Wernert
Wenner-Gren Symposium #10