Teaching of Anthropology
Aug 9-16, 1960Organized by
David MandelbaumLocation
Burg Wartenstein Conference CenterPublications
The Teaching of Anthropology (D.G. Mandelbaum et al., Eds.) University of California Press, Berkeley, 1963.Participants
- Ethel Albert U. Calfornia-Berkeley, USA
- Ray L. Birdwhistell Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, USA
- S.C. Dube U. of Saugar, India
- Raymond Firth London School of Economics, UK
- Doris M. Fortes U. Cambridge, UK
- Meyer Fortes U. Cambridge, UK
- Daryll Forde U. College London, UK
- Gutorm Gjessing U. Oslo, Norway
- Vinigi L. Grottanelli U. Rome, Italy
- Robert F. Heizer U. California-Berkeley, USA
- Gabriel W. Lasker Wayne State U., USA
- William S. Laughlin U. Wisconsin, USA
- Kenneth L. Little Edinburgh U., UK
- Floyd G. Lounsbury Yale U., USA
- Jacques J. Macquet U. Elisabethville, Congo
- David Mandelbaum, organizer U. California-Berkeley, USA
- Margaret Mead American Museum of Natural History, USA
- Monica Hunter Wilson U. Cape Town, South Africa
Wenner-Gren Symposium #11