Political-Economic Perspectives in Biological Anthropology: Building a Biocultural Synthesis
Oct 30 - Nov 7, 1992Organized by
Alan Goodman and Thomas LeathermanLocation
Hotel Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, MexicoPublications
Building a New Biocultural Synthesis (Alan H. Goodman and Thomas Leatherman, Eds.), University of Michigan Press, 1998.Participants
- George Armelagos University of Florida, USA
- Barbara Bender University College, London, UK
- Michael Blakey Howard University, USA
- Magali Daltabuit Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Billie DeWalt University of Kentucky, USA
- Arturo Escobar Smith College, USA
- Alan Goodman Hampshire College, USA
- Fatimah Jackson University of Maryland, USA
- Stephen Kunitz University of Rochester, USA
- Thomas Leatherman University of South Carolina, USA
- Lourdes Márquez Morfín Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico
- Debra Martin Hampshire College, USA
- Ann Millard Michigan State University, USA
- Lynn Morgan Mount Holyoke College, USA
- Pertti Pelto University of Connecticut, USA
- William Roseberry New School for Social Research, USA
- Dean Saitta University of Denver, USA
- Ricardo Santos Fundacão Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil
- Sydel Silverman Wenner-Gren Foundation, USA
- Merrill Singer Hispanic Health Council, USA
- Gavin Smith University of Toronto, Canada
- Alan Swedlund University of Massachusetts, USA
- R. Brooke Thomas University of Massachusetts, USA
ORGANIZER’S STATEMENT: Twenty-two biological anthropologists, cultural anthropologists, archaeologists and historians from six countries discussed directions for a revitalization of physical anthropology and its closer integration with other subdisciplines of anthropology. The main themes of the conference were the contextualization of biological research in the social, political, and economic realities of human society, a critical reevaluation of the adaptation concept, and steps to be taken toward a biocultural anthropology integrating human adaptability and political economy. The symposium asked how a political-economic focus could promote new theoretical formulations and research avenues within biological anthropology while also providing more productive connections with cultural anthropology.
Wenner-Gren Symposium #115