International Symposium on Anthropology
Jun 1-10, 1952Publications
Anthropology Today: An Encyclopedic Inventory (prepared under the chairmanship of A.L. Kroeber); An Appraisal of Anthropology Today, edited by Sol Tax, Loren Eiseley, Irving Rouse, and Carl VoegelinParticipants
- Erwin H. Ackerknecht
- Marston Bates
- Ralph Beals
- Wendell C. Bennett
- David Bidney
- Junius B. Bird
- Kaj Birket-Smith
- William C. Boyd
- J.O. Brew
- Salvador Canals Frau
- Alfonso Caso
- William Caudill
- Eliot D. Chapple
- J. Grahame D. Clark
- Carleton S. Coon
- Jose M. Cruxent
- Antonio Jorge Dias
- Fred Eggan
- Loren C. Eiseley
- Paul Fejos
- Daryll Forde
- Joseph H. Greenberg
- Mary R. Haas
- A. Irving Hallowell
- Robert F. Heizer
- G. Jan Held
- Jules Henry
- Jarry Joijer
- Earnest A. Hooton
- Eiichiro Ishida
- Franjo Ivanicek
- Roman Jakobson
- Edward A. Kennard
- Alfred V. Kidder
- Clyde Kluckhohn
- Wilhelm Koppers
- Alex D. Krieger
- A.L. Kroeber
- Claude Levi-Strauss
- Oscar Lewis
- Gehard Lindblom
- Ralph Linton
- Floyd G. Lounsbury
- Robert H. Lowie
- Gordon MacGregor
- Dhirendra Nath Majumdar
- David G. Mandelbaum
- Andre Martinet
- Theodore D. McCown
- Margaret Mead
- Alfred Metraux
- Carlos Monge
- Hallam L. Movius, Jr.
- George P. Murdock
- S.F. Nadel
- Monkichi Namba
- Russell W. Newman
- F.S.C. Northrop
- Kenneth P. Oakley
- Benjamin D. Paul
- Robert Redfield
- Irving Rouse
- John Howland Rowe
- S. Sanvichien
- Meyer Shapiro
- Muzaffer Senyurek
- P.G. Shah
- Alexander Spoehr
- Julian H. Steward
- William L. Straus, Jr.
- J.M. Tanner
- Sol Tax
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
- Franz Termer
- Stith Thompson
- Henri V. Vallois
- C.F. Voegelin
- S.L. Washburn
- Hans Weinert
- Leslie White
- Gordon R. Willey
The first, “great” symposium mounted by the Wenner-Gren Foundation, with one very ambitious goal — “to assess the state of anthropology” — the International Symposium on Anthropology was an international undertaking (even though the majority of those who attended were from the United States).
After establishing the conference framework, individuals with the necessary expertise had to be identified to write 50 papers that would attempt to provide an encyclopedic iinventory of the current knowledge of anthropology at that time. Once the papers written and distributed to participants prior to the actual meetings in June 1952, the symposium eventually convened over eighty scholars from the major regions of the world for 12 days of presentations and discussion in a professional stocktaking, where they exchanged views on the various problems the presentations posed, appraised the state of the science they represented, and examined probable future directions of research and the promise these might hold.
The papers contributed to International Symposium on Anthropology were published in two volumes: “Anthropology Today: An Encyclopedic Inventory” (prepared under the chairmanship of A.L. Kroeber) and its companion volume, “An Appraisal of Anthropology Today,” edited by Sol Tax, Loren Eiseley, Irving Rouse, and Carl Voegelin. The symposium also sponsored the “International Directory of Anthropological Institutions” published in 1953.