Wadsworth Institutional Grant

  • Doctorates in Anthropology
  • Doctorates in Related Fields


The Wadsworth Institutional Grant helps cultivate a culture of grant writing in countries where anthropology is underserved or under threat. Historically, the Wenner-Gren Foundation has not proven successful in funding applicants from institutions in the Global South. This has particularly been the case in the competition for our Dissertation Fieldwork Grants, where the vast majority of awards go to students based in Europe and North America. In those regions, doctoral students receive training and the funds they need to conduct preliminary research. Students in other regions rarely enjoy these advantages.

Through this grant program, the Foundation works with faculty from an anthropology (or related) department in the Global South to address this inequity. The award provides 4 years of proposal writing training and pilot research funding for doctoral students, who then participate in the competition for a Dissertation Fieldwork Grant or an Engaged Research Grant. The goal is to provide these students with the skills they need to secure international funding for their work. Graduates of departments that receive this award go on to share their skills with other students and colleagues as they proceed with their careers.

Award Money

The selected anthropology department receives $20,000 per year, renewable over the course of 4 years. Wenner-Gren awards do not include funds to cover institutional overhead or any fees related to the administration of our grants and fellowships.

Application Deadline

The Foundation holds a competition for this award every 4 years. A call for applications will be posted on our website 6 months in advance of the next deadline.

Who Can Apply

Doctorates in Anthropology, Doctorates in Related Fields

Representatives of doctoral programs in anthropology who are responsible for training students are welcome to apply, as long as they can make the case that this kind of support is needed in their country.

We developed this program to further our mission to advance anthropological knowledge, amplify its impact, foster inclusivity, and address the precarity of anthropology as a career and field of study. In selecting a departmental partner, we take into account the following factors:

  • The quality of the proposed training program
  • The degree to which this award will help remove barriers to students’ success
  • The program’s potential to have a broader impact by enriching the anthropological conversation and cultivating skills that can be shared.

The application process begins with a letter of intent. Selected departments are then invited to submit a full proposal. For more information, contact Judy Kreid at internationalprograms@wennergren.org.

We accept applications every 4 years. Should you be invited to apply, you will receive a link to the application portal.