Wenner-Gren Foundation: Support for Anthropology and Related Disciplines in Argentina
The Wenner-Gren Foundation is collaborating with the Asociación de Antropología Biológica Argentina and the Sociedad Argentina de Antropología to host a webinar on funding opportunities for anthropologists and researchers in related disciplines in Argentina.
Join Danilyn Rutherford, the Foundation’s President for a discussion of the Wenner-Gren’s history, mission and programs supporting anthropology and anthropologically oriented scholars, worldwide.
Wenner-Gren provides support for individual and collaborative research projects, including engaged projects benefiting marginalized and minoritized communities. We also provide funding for meetings and capacity building projects of various kinds. And we award fellowships to doctoral students from countries where advanced training in anthropology is less accessible, and to scholars bringing a writing or media project to completion.
Danilyn will describe our grants and fellowships, offer some tips on applying for them, then open the floor for questions. If you are an early career researcher or a senior researcher with a doctorate in anthropology or a related field, or, a doctoral student pursuing your degree, Wenner-Gren can be a great source of support.
Click here for the Spanish interpretation audio.
Click here for a transcript of the CART captions in Spanish.