Proposal Writing for the Wenner-Gren Foundation: Dissertation Fieldwork and Post-PhD Research Grants
Join Danilyn Rutherford, President of the Wenner-Gren Foundation, for a discussion of proposal writing in these tumultuous times — and of some changes Wenner-Gren has made to the application, including a new question on ethics. She’ll discuss the Foundation’s approach to supporting anthropology worldwide, offer tips on succeeding in the competition for Dissertation Fieldwork and Post-PhD Research Grants, and describe some of the Foundation’s new initiatives. There will be lots of time for questions.
These events will have CART captioning.
Proposal Writing for the Wenner-Gren Foundation: Dissertation Fieldwork and Post-PhD Research Grants from Wenner-Gren Foundation on Vimeo.
Proposal Writing for the Wenner-Gren Foundation: Dissertation Fieldwork and Post-PhD Research Grants from Wenner-Gren Foundation on Vimeo.