Theater and Ritual
Aug 23 - Sep 1, 1982Organized by
Willa Appel, Richard Schechner and Phillip ZarrilliLocation
The Asia Society, New York CityPublications
By Means of Performance: Intercultural Studies of Theatre and Ritual (R. Schechner and W. Appel, Eds.) Cambridge University Press, New York, 1990.Participants
- Willa Appel Citizens’ Housing and Planning Council, USA
- Monica Bethe Noh Performer
- Herbert Blau University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA
- James A. Boon Cornell University, USA
- Paul Bouissac University of Toronto, Canada
- Karen Brazell Cornell University, USA
- James Brandon University of Hawaii, USA
- Ken Brecher Mark Taper Forum, USA
- Victoria Bricker Tulane University, USA
- Roberto Da Matta Museu Nacional, Brazil
- Clifford Jones Sonoma State University, USA
- Taegon Kim Kyung Hee University, South Korea
- Theresa Ki-ja Kim Brooklyn College, CUNY, USA
- Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett New York University, USA
- Du-Hyun Lee Seoul National University, South Korea
- Alan Lomax Columbia University, USA
- Brooks McNamara New York University, USA
- Barbara Myerhoff University of Southern California, USA
- K. Vasusevan Nambudripad Kerala Kalamandalam, India
- Ranjini Obeyesekere Princeton University, USA
- Lita Osmundsen Wenner-Gren Foundation, USA
- James Peacock University of North Carolina, USA
- Miles Richardson Louisiana State University, USA
- Farley Richmond Michigan State University, USA
- Richard Schechner New York University, USA
- Victor Turner University of Virginia, USA
- William Wiggins Indiana University, USA
- Phillip Zarrilli University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
ORGANIZER’S STATEMENT: The last of three conferences that brought together performers, scholars, directors, and choreographers from a cross-section of world cultures and culminated in the publication of “By Means of Performance,” the goal of these meetings was to approach the genres of theatre, dance, music, sports, and ritual as a single, coherent group, as performance, where it was hoped that the conferences would lay the groundwork for proposing general principles or “universals of performance.”
Wenner-Gren Symposium #89-3