The Moral and Aesthetic Structure of Human Adaptation
Jul 19-28, 1969Organized by
Gregory BatesonLocation
Burg Wartenstein Conference CenterParticipants
- Gregory Bateson Waimanalo, Hawaii, USA
- Mary Catherine Bateson Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
- Barry Commoner Washington University, USA
- Stephen A. Erickson Pomona College, USA
- Shepard Ginandes Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Anatol W. Holt UNIVAC Research Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
- Bert Kaplan University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
- Peter H. Klopfer Duke University, USA
- Warren S. McCulloch Old Lyme, Connecticut, USA
- Horst Mittelstaedt Max Planck Institute, Seewiesen, Germany
- Gordon Pask System Research, Ltd., Surrey, UK
- Taylor Pryor Oceanic Foundation, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
- Roy A. Rappaport University of Michigan, USA
- Theodore Schwartz University of California, San Diego, USA
- Geoffrey Vickers Reading, UK
Wenner-Gren Symposium #45