The Determination of the Philosophy of a Culture
Sep 16-26, 1962Organized by
F.S.C. NorthropLocation
Burg Wartenstein Conference CenterPublications
Cross-Cultural Understanding; Epistemology in Anthropology (F.S.C. Northrop and H.H. Livingston, Eds.) Harper & Row, New York, 1964.Participants
- Valentino Braitenberg University of Naples, Italy
- Donald T. Campbell Northwestern University, USA
- U.R. Ehrenfels Sud Asien Institut der Universitat Heidelberg, Germany; University of Madras, India
- Irenaus Eibl-Eibesfeld Max-Plank Institute, Germany
- Charles Hockett Cornell University, USA
- E.A. Hoebel University of Minnesota, USA
- Janheinz Jahn no affiliation
- William J. Klausner The Asia Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand
- Miguel Leon-Portilla Instituto Indigenista Interamericano, Mexico
- Helen H. Livingston Yale University, USA
- Warren McCulloch M.I.T., USA
- D.M. MacKay University of Keele, UK
- Jacques J. Maquet Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, France
- F.S.C. Northrop Yale University, USA
- S. Sambursky Hebrew University, Israel
- Joseph C. Smith University of British Columbia, Canada
- Tatsuro Yamamoto University of Tokyo, Japan
Wenner-Gren Symposium #22