The Biology of Populations of Anthropological Significance
Jun 29 - Jul 2, 1964Organized by
Joseph WeinerLocation
Burg Wartenstein Conference CenterPublications
The Biology of Human Adaptability (P.T. Baker and J.S. Weiner, Eds.) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1966.Participants
- K. Lange Andersen University of Bergen, Norway
- Paul T. Baker Pennsylvania State University, USA
- O.G. Edholm Medical Research Council, London, UK
- M. Fraccaro Euratom, University of Pavia, Italy
- Jean Hiernaux University of Paris, France
- J.A. Hildes University of Manitoba, Canada
- R.L. Kirk University of Western Australia
- William S. Laughlin University of Wisconsin, USA
- R.K. MacPherson University of Sydney, Australia
- M.S. Malhotra Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences, India
- Francisco M. Salzano Universidad do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
- William J. Schull University of Michigan, USA
- J.M. Tanner University of London, UK
- Phillip V. Tobias University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
- Joseph S. Weiner MRC, London, UK
Wenner-Gren Symposium #23