
Fundamentals of Symbolism


Jul 16-24, 1977

Organized by

Mary LeCron Foster


Burg Wartenstein Conference Cente


Symbol as Sense: New Approaches to the Analysis of Meaning (M.L. Foster and S.H. Brandes, Eds.) Academic Press, New York, 1980.


  • Edwin Ardener University of Oxford, UK
  • Maurice Bloch University of London, UK
  • Dwight Bolinger Harvard University, USA
  • Melissa Bowerman University of Kansas, USA
  • Stanley Brandes University of California, Berkeley, USA
  • Neil Chalmers Open University, UK
  • Colin Cherry Imperial College of Science and Technology, USA
  • Percy Cohen London School of Economics, UK
  • Marshall Durbin Washington University, USA
  • Mary LeCron Foster University of California, Berkeley, USA
  • Margaret Conkey Fritz State University of New York, Binghamton, USA
  • Howard Gardner Harvard University, USA
  • Jean Kitahara-Frisch Sophia University, Japan
  • John Lamendella San Jose State University, USA
  • Charles Laughlin Carleton University, Canada
  • Lita Osmundsen Wenner-Gren Foundation, USA
  • Dan Sperber University of Paris X, France

Wenner-Gren Symposium #74

Front Row: S. Brandes, N. Chalmers, M.C. Fritz, C. Cherry, L. Osmundsen, D. Sperber M. Durbin Second Row: C.D. Laughlin, M. Bowerman, P.S. Cohen, K. Kitahara-Frisch, M. Bloch, J.T. Lamendella, H. Gardner Third Row: D. Bolinger, E. Ardener, M. LeCron Foster (organizer)