
Cultural and Social Influences in Infancy and Early Childhood


Jun 18-26, 1973

Organized by

P. Herbert Leiderman and Steven R. Tulkin


Burg Wartenstein Conference Center


Culture and Infancy: Variations in the Human Experience (P.H. Leiderman, S.R. Tulkin, and A. Rosenfeld, Eds.) Academic Press, San Francisco, 1977.


  • Mary Ainsworth Johns Hopkins University, USA
  • T. Berry Brazelton Harvard University, USA
  • Irven DeVore Harvard University, USA
  • Harold Draper University of Illinois, USA
  • Susan Goldberg University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
  • Charles Greenbaum The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  • Jerome Kagan Harvard University, USA
  • Melvin J. Konner Harvard University, USA
  • P. Herbert Leiderman Stanford University, USA
  • Robert Levine University of Chicago, USA
  • Michael Lewis Educational Testing Service, Princeton, USA
  • Howard Moss National Institute of Mental Health, USA
  • Lita Osmundsen Wenner-Gren Foundation, USA
  • Martin Richards University of Cambridge, UK
  • Anne Rosenfeld Free-lance writer, USA
  • Irving Sigel State University of New York, Buffalo, USA
  • Steven R. Tulkin State University of New York, Buffalo, USA
  • Neil Warren University of Sussex, UK
  • John Whiting Harvard University, USA
  • Peter Wolff Children’s Hospital, Boston, USA
  • Leon Yarrow National Institute of Child Health, USA

Wenner-Gren Symposium #57

Front Row: C. Greenbaum, M. Lewis, S. Tulkin, H. Leiderman, J. Whiting, J. Kagan, L. Osmundsen, L. Yarrow Back Row: I. Devore, H. Moss, M.J. Konner, N. Warren, R. Levine, H. Draper, A. Rosenfeld, P. Wolff, S. Goldberg, M. Ainsworth, B. Brazelton, M. Richards, I. Sigel