Yoli Ngandali
Grant Type
Engaged Research GrantInstitutional Affiliation
Washington, U. ofGrant number
Gr. ERG-18Approve Date
February 3, 2022Project Title
Ngandali, Yoli (Washington, U. of) "Meaning is in the Making: (Re)connecting with Museum Collections for Indigenous Art Revitalization"Traditional approaches to Indigenous ?art? often focus solely on style, however, our research implements low-impact archaeological methodologies that integrate traditional Native knowledge into the study and curation of tribal belongings. We prioritize Grand Ronde?s generations of lived knowledge and demonstrate the importance of museum collections in art revitalization efforts. In partnership with archaeologists from the University of Washington Department of Anthropology and cultural experts from the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, this research is a pathway that transforms archaeology from an extractive and colonial endeavor to one that recognizes tribal sovereignty and builds Indigenous communities? capacity to reclaim and reinterpret knowledge gained from museum collections research into a living context. This project recognizes the role and power of art production in ancient and contemporary contexts, expands the context-sensitive care for tribal heritage, and reconnects material culture back into relation, all of which contribute to art revitalization efforts ongoing in Grande Ronde today.