Suzane de Alencar Vieira

Grant Type

Conference Grant

Institutional Affiliation

Goiás, U.F.

Grant number

Gr. CONF-921

Approve Date

March 8, 2023

Project Title

Vieira, Suzane (Goiás, U.F.) "ReACTivating hazard: calls and resonances in the face of ecological crises"

The Science and Technology Anthropology Meeting (ReACT) is the largest thematic meeting in the Brazil and holds biannual meetings of international scope. The meetings are organized by the Science and Technology Anthropology Network formed by research groups from several Brazilian universities. The main objective is to promote research on different approaches to the mediation of technique and technology in social life and to scientific knowledge in dialogues and tensions with minority knowledge. ReACT has been held periodically since 2007 and registration fee is free. The 9th ReACT will be held between the 21st and 24th of November 2023, at the Federal University of Goi’s, in the city of Goi’nia, in the state of Goi’s, in Brazil. This edition has the theme ‘Reactivating hazard: calls and resonances in the face of ecological crises’ and thus aims to bring into dialogue different ecological ethics, ways of experiencing hazard and creating adaptation and resilience strategies to inhabit worlds in ruins, which are lived in the sert’o (outland) of Brazil as harmful worlds. Financial resources are required to enable the In-person meeting of anthropologues from different regions of Brazil, Latin America, USA and Canada, and to include amog them indigenous, enviromental activists and artists.