Sergio Daniel Lopez
Grant Type
Conference GrantInstitutional Affiliation
New York, Potsdam, State U. ofGrant number
Gr. CONF-837Approve Date
February 14, 2020Project Title
Lopez, Sergio (New York College, Potsdam, State U. of) Humanity: unity and diversity, AIBR Conference 2020 (virtual) and 2021We celebrate the sixth edition of the AIBR International Conference of Anthropology under the theme HUMANITY: UNITY AND DIVERSITY. Claude L’vi-Strauss said that diversity is one of the most remarkable features of humans, and that is precisely why we are unique. Diversity and unity, far from being opposite terms, condense in a powerful way the essence of humanity. We make a call to recognize diversity as something that keep us connected as human beings. For centuries, our discipline has explored such diversity, and as soon as new realities were discovered, we have been forced to reinvent the meaning of the term. And along the way we were in the need to redefine many other fundamental concepts, such as science or evolution, on which Western society has built some of its most fanatical acts of faith. Since 2015, the AIBR International Conference has been a meeting point for scholars and students coming from more than 40 countries. After these five years, the Conference has become one of the most intensive, expected, and dynamic meetings in the discipline for Spanish and Portuguese speakers in the discipline. For the first time, this meeting will take place in a Portuguese speaking country, and thanks to the geographical and cultural proximity to Spain, we expect to welcome a diverse and high amount of delegates