Sebastian Gomez

Grant Type

Global Initiatives Grant

Institutional Affiliation

Laboratorio de Antropología Abierta

Grant number

Gr. GIG-4

Approve Date

June 8, 2020

Project Title

Gomez, Dr. Sebastian, Open Anthropology Lab, Bogota, Colombia– To build capacity in anthropology by expanding awareness of social issues among school children in Colombia through “Antropología Xñ”

Antropolog’a X’ is an editorial project of anthropology for children, it aims to enhace their questions and curiosity through the exploration of contemporary social issues in Latin America. We aim to encourage in children a critical understanding of human relationships, cultural differences and processes of social change. The first series is made of four open-access didactic books about (1) migration, (2) environmental justice, (3) globalization, and (4) “race” and ethnicity (the first pilot on migration is already available on our website). Each book is created collaboratively by a group of passionate anthropologists and school teachers who define the structure and transform the selected etnographic cases into stories, games and outdoor activities.