Praveena Mahala

Grant Type

Dissertation Fieldwork Grant

Institutional Affiliation

Shiv Nadar U.

Grant number

Gr. 10811

Approve Date

October 9, 2024

Project Title

Mahala, Praveena (Shiv Nadar U.) "Understanding Loss-Resurgence: an Ethnography of Human-Seed Relations in Baigachak, Central India"

This project examines multi-species relations between humans and plants among the Baiga in Dindori, Madhya Pradesh, Central India. I attempt to understand resurgence of once lost species of plants by focusing on seeds. I suggest looking at seeds not only as ‘material knots’ (Napolitano 2015) which can be read as ‘material remains’ or ‘material reminders’ of loss but also, materials containing potential for resurgence. By focusing on material nature of seeds I ask: how trajectories of loss-resurgence can be mapped by following seeds and their material nature as understood by different human actors invested in stated trajectories i.e., ‘Baiga’ tribals and seed-scientists; how these understandings evoke distinctions of wild and domestic for plants and the humans involved; and how these wild-domestic distinctions impinge upon trajectories of loss-resurgence. Drawing from Anna Tsing’s method of ‘cross-species comparison’, I juxtapose trajectories of loss-resurgence emerging from the case of a forest-based-liana species with that of agrarian-based-millet-species rooted in a Central Indian region, Baigachak. This region is home to Baiga (categorized as ‘Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group’ by the Indian state) and their plants including millets and lianas. I propose participant observation and in-depth-interviews in Baigachak and regional state-run forest and agriculture institutes stationing seed scientists.