Melandri Vlok

Grant Type

Post PhD Research Grant

Institutional Affiliation

Independent Scholar

Grant number

Gr. 10788

Approve Date

October 9, 2024

Project Title

Vlok, Melandri (Independent Scholar) "Diachronic climate and behavioural dynamics of ancient human groups in South Sumatra, Indonesia"

This project aims to investigate how prehistoric humans in Indonesia responded biologically and socially to changing disease environments caused by large climatic shifts. The research will focus on 84 human remains from an archaeological site in Padang Bindu, South Sumatra dating approximately from 5700 to 1700 years ago, indicating human occupation at the site across four major climate shifts over time. The project will employ a novel approach to human remains to assess the interaction between human behavior and tropical infectious diseases in ancient Southeast Asia. It expects to generate new understanding of human response to climate change in tropical environments and develop a framework that explains health impacts of changing environmental, biological, and social factors due to climate change. Project benefits will include new knowledge about our past and insights into the potential impact of our climate crisis on tropical health issues. The project will also include partnership with the local museum in Padang Bindu and participatory workshops and presentations to spark community-led development projects combining health and heritage.