Megan Raschig

Grant Type

Post PhD Research Grant

Institutional Affiliation

California State U., Sacramento

Grant number

Gr. 9715

Approve Date

October 5, 2018

Project Title

Raschig, Dr. Megan S., California State U, Sacramento, CA - To aid research on 'Healing After Police Homicides: World-Making, Repair, and Ethnographic Involvement Today'

MEGAN S. RASCHIG, California State University, Sacramento, California, received a grant in October 2018 to aid research on ”Healing After Police Homicides: World-Making, Repair, and Ethnographic Involvement Today.’ In Salinas, California, a community-led project of Chicanx-Indigenous cultural healing has made significant inroads against carceral institutions, racialized criminalization, and police brutality. This project tracked the impact of cultural healing projects five years after a period of police homicides of Latino men. As cultural healing took root in the city, many different impacts could be identified in the lives of locals ‘ some progressive and anti-carceral, others more disturbingly seeming to reinforce existing forms of racial and gendered discrimination and violence. This ethnographic research was adapted over these shifting conditions and the COVID-19 global pandemic with productive and illuminating results.