Luis Silva Barros
Grant Type
Engaged Research GrantInstitutional Affiliation
COGERH - Companhia de Gestão dos Recursos HídricosGrant number
Gr. ERG-42Approve Date
February 5, 2024Project Title
Barros, Luis (COGERH - Companhia de Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos) "Recognition as adaptation: testing Quilombola resistance to historical injustice in Water Parliaments of the Serra da Ibiapaba Region, Northeast Brazil"Our research looks at the Quilombola struggle for recognition both from a historical perspective and from the perspective of the community’s participation in the Serra da Ibiapaba Water Parliament, i.e., the Serra da Ibiapaba (SI) Hydrographic Basin Committee (HBC) São Benedito, Ceará, Northeast Brazil. Participant observation fieldwork will focus on qualitative data based on ethnographic interviewing of Quilombolas from Sítio Carnauba II, and of members from the Serra da Ibiapaba Hydrographic Basin Committee (SIHBC) to address questions of recognition, central to the Quilombola and Brazilian culture. Our research practice partnership will count with the support of Ceará’s water resources management company (COGERH) to work with the SIHBC.