Löwe Hunter
Grant Type
Hunt Postdoctoral FellowshipInstitutional Affiliation
Independent ScholarGrant number
Gr. 10752Approve Date
October 9, 2024Project Title
Hunter, Elizabeth (Independent Scholar) "Afropean Feminist Methodologies: Towards an Ethnography of Togetherness."This work builds on an Afrofeminist Cultural Studies analysis of blackness and belonging in Denmark. Entitled Black Racial Isolation: Understanding African Diaspora Subjectivity in Post-Racial Denmark this was an interdisciplinary and mixed-methods study, using ethnography, interviews, and archives. I sought to carve out space for Afropean experiences and perspectives that are simultaneously constructed as marginal to hegemonic Europeanness and to dominant understandings of blackness. In continuing this research, I center ethnography and being together as a methodology. I will rework my data through this lens to analyze ways the interviews were already a praxis of community, of togetherness. As such, I join interdisciplinary Black feminist and Afrofeminist anthropologists in navigating an appreciation of ethnography’s potentials while having a critical awareness of the coloniality inherent in Anthropology. In that vein, I will reflect on the relationships between anticolonialism, academic knowledge production, and the conversations on (the) abolition (of) Anthropology. Methodologically, the study contributes to ethnography by prioritizing first-person narratives and dialogical interviews, exemplifying an Afrofeminist ethics of care in knowledge production. I examine the effects of my previous ethnographic process and (re)consider the integrative potential of assuming an insider position as an antidote to ‘Black racial isolation.’