Laurence Ralph

Grant Type

Post PhD Research Grant

Institutional Affiliation

Princeton U.

Grant number

Gr. 9619

Approve Date

April 13, 2018

Project Title

Ralph, Dr. Laurence, Princeton U., Princeton, NJ - To aid research on 'Tensions of Force: Policing, Security, and Governance in New Orleans'

LAURENCE RALPH, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, was awarded a grant in April 2018 to aid research on ‘Tensions of Force: Policing, Security, and Governance in New Orleans.’ This study examines how law enforcement and community residents differently define ‘excessive’ use of force in New Orleans, Louisiana. During the research phase supported by Wenner-Gren Foundation, in-depth interviews were conducted with residents of six neighborhoods in New Orleans to explore local residents’ understandings of police use of force and violence.