Lauren Hosek
Grant Type
Global Initiatives GrantInstitutional Affiliation
Colorado, Boulder, U. ofGrant number
Gr. GIG-16Approve Date
August 31, 2022Project Title
Hosek, Lauren (Colorado, Boulder, U. of) "Bones in the Ivory Tower: Ethics and Human Remains in Universities"Much of the focus on the ethical treatment of human remains has been on the research front as well as the curation of research collections in museum settings. This project aims to contribute to ethical conversations in pedagogy and curation specifically within university settings. We aim to develop resources for both pedagogical approaches to human remains and their long-term curation and use in anthropology departments across North America. We also seek to develop guidelines and best practices for the care and use of research collections in laboratory setting, with a particular focus on working with descendant communities. Finally, we will conduct ethnographic visits to several institutions in North America to identify best practices in pedagogy, curation, and laboratory use of teaching and research collections.