Keitlyn Alcantara

Grant Type

Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship

Institutional Affiliation

Indiana U., Bloomington

Grant number

Gr. 10365

Approve Date

October 11, 2022

Project Title

Alcantara, Keitlyn (Indiana U., Bloomington) "Recipes of Resistance: An Archaeology of the Past and Present"

KEITLYN ALCANTARA, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, was awarded a Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship in May 2023 to aid research and writing on “Recipes of Resistance: An Archaeology of the Past and Present.” Development of the book manuscript was accompanied by articles that mirror themes in the book chapters as follows. Ch. 1: “Meet the Milpa”, introduces the milpa as a social and agricultural model that creates resilience to change among small-scale producers (Alcántara 2023. “Milpa Ecologies: Transgenerational Foodways in Tlaxcala, Mexico). In Ch. 2: “From the Soil to the Sky”, contemporary paleodietary science is put in dialogue with food in Mesoamerican belief systems and origin stories, situating campesinos as scientists who understand sustainability on a molecular level. Ch.3: “Eating Weeds” explores “weeds” in ancient and contemporary campesino diets as environmental support system for weathering crises (Alcántara et al. “A Milpa Isotopic Foodweb in Tlaxcallan: More Than Just Maize”. Submitted to Journal of Archaeological Science)”. In Ch. 4: “Seed Economies” looks at “biodiverse economies” among campesinos that adapt quickly and creatively to change. Ch. 5: “Places of Gathering” explores communal meals that create spaces of celebration and group cohesion. Ch. 6: “Transplanted Seeds”, explores the pedagogy of indigenous sustainability, and the process of unlearning colonial thought (Alcántara et al. 2024. “Visual Storytelling and Community Based Research” SAA Archaeological Record).