Joaquin Ignacio Izaguirre

Grant Type

Engaged Research Grant

Institutional Affiliation


Grant number

Gr. ERG-33

Approve Date

February 2, 2023

Project Title

Izaguirre, Joaquin (CONICET) "Videogames as practice for enhancing heritage. Diaguita Kallchakí culture and Development with identity in Callchaquí Valley, Salta, Argentine."

This Project seeks to evaluate how interactive VR videogame experiences created with the Diaguitas Kallchakies communities affect the heritage conservation and the development with identity process of the aboriginal communities of Cachi, Salta, Argentina. The teenagers of these communities are immersed in a technological reality that reproduces contents that ignore their traditions and knowledge. The making of contents that arise from the communities, is a way of being themselves in the world inside a political-social context in which their identities are being developed. A methodology based on three stages of work is proposed. The first, a series of interviews will be developed to reveal the knowledge that teenagers have about the importance of cultural heritage in their lives. The second consists of processing the data acquired and assembling of the video game into a final product in light of the scientific research carried out in the area, leaded through a narrative that highlights and deepens the Diaguita Kallchak’ culture. The third consists of the videogame’s performance and the evaluation of people’s experience with it, conducted in schools and in key locations from the Diaguita-Kallchak’ community. Joint work with the Diaguitas Kallchakies occurs at all stages, from project design to start-up.