Ian Lilley
Grant Type
Conference GrantInstitutional Affiliation
Queensland, U. ofGrant number
Gr. CONF-780Approve Date
March 22, 2018Project Title
Lilley, Dr. Ian Ashley, U. of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia - To aid conference on '21st Congress Of The Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA),' 2018, Hue, Vietnam, in collaboration with Dr. Giang Hai NguyenThis 21st IPPA Congress will gather indigenous Indo-Pacific and other, mainly ‘Western’, scholars to discuss diverse themes in Indo-Pacific prehistory. As per IPPA procedure, convenors will organise sessions around topical themes in Indo-Pacific archaeology, cultural heritage, natural science, comparative linguistics, cultural anthropology and biological anthropology and genetics. The IPPA region extends W-E from Pakistan to Easter Island, and N-S from Siberia to Australasia. Conference topics can concern any part of this area.
IPPA congresses run every 4 years in collaboration with in-country institutions, most recently at Angkor with the Royal Academy of Cambodia and Khmer Archaeological Society in 2014. Past co-sponsors include the Institute of Archaeology in Hanoi (late 2009), the Philippines National Museum and University of the Philippines in Manila (2006), Academia Sinica in Taipei (2002), and the National Museum of Malaysia in Melaka (1998). The 21st Congress in 2018 is co-organised with the Hue Monuments Conservation Centre and the Institute of Archaeology in the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences.
This Wenner Gren application covers numerous research themes that have speakers from developing countries in the Asia-Pacific. The organisers encourage indigenous scholars to publish their research findings with the assistance of editors and referees appointed from the IPPA membership.