Heather O’Leary

Grant Type

Global Initiatives

Institutional Affiliation

South Florida, U. of

Grant number

Gr. GIG-11

Approve Date

June 10, 2021

Project Title

OLeary, Heather (South Florida, U. of) "Decanonization: The Global Anthropology Syllabus Project"

What is anthropological knowledge and theory, where is it produced, and by whom? For many years, anthropologists have been struggling, on many fronts, to tackle the multiple inequalities that exist within our discipline and the wider academic landscape in which it is embedded. Our project aims to tackle this issue by starting modestly and by facilitating changes to something most anthropologists still largely control themselves, namely what and how they teach. Our collaborative network of linguistically and regionally diverse teachers of anthropology will spotlight the ways anthropologists are currently working toward recognizing diversity in our foundational theories–and through deeper international collaboration the ways we can challenge our core curricula to be more transparent and inclusive.