Filipe Romao Juliano
Grant Type
Engaged Research GrantInstitutional Affiliation
Museu Nacional, Rio de JaneiroGrant number
Gr. ERG-11Approve Date
February 4, 2022Project Title
Juliano, Filipe (Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro) "“Class and race in Brazil: black entrepreneurship and anti-racism in the Market”Abstract Proposal
‘Class and race in Brazil: black entrepreneurship and anti-racism in the Market’
By Filipe Juliano, PPGAS ‘ Museu Nacional/UFRJ, Brasil
The proposal has two objectives: to support the completion of ethnographic research with black groups to promote entrepreneurship and business initiatives; and to realize a 2-days Workshop ‘Class and race in Brazil: black entrepreneurship and anti-racism in the market’, where the notes of this PhD thesis will be discussed by the partner stakeholders and researchers in areas and themes related to racial exclusion and inequality, the interactions between race and class, racism in Brazil and in the world. For my partners at REAFRO (Afro-Brazilian entrepreneurs Network) and Cadon (Osvaldo dos Santos Neves Development Support Center) strengthening and supporting the creation of companies owned by blacks seeks to promote the social and economic ascension of black Brazilians, while creating and intensively debating social theories about racial inequalities in Brazil. Holding an international Workshop on racial inequalities is to create an arena of debate in which the researched groups can dialogue with anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists and economists on academic and native theories on racial relations and inequalities.
This project has two objectives: to support ethnographic research among black Brazilians to enhance entrepreneurship and business initiatives; and to realize a Workshop ‘Class and race in Brazil: black entrepreneurship and anti-racism in the market’. This is an event where the conclusions of my dissertation research will be discussed by the partner stakeholders and researchers in areas and themes related to racial exclusion and inequality, interactions between race and class, and racism in Brazil and in the world. For the partners at REAFRO (Afro-Brazilian entrepreneurs Network) and Cadon (Osvaldo dos Santos Neves Development Support Center), strengthening and supporting the creation of companies owned by blacks seeks to promote the social and economic ascension of black Brazilians, while creating and intensively debating social theories about racial inequalities in Brazil. Holding an international Workshop on racial inequalities seeks to create an arena of debate in which black entrepreneurs can dialogue with anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists and economists on academic and native theories on racial relations and inequalities.