Eileen Musonda Murphy
Grant Type
Conference GrantInstitutional Affiliation
Queen's U., BelfastGrant number
Gr. CONF-920Approve Date
March 8, 2023Project Title
Murphy, Eileen (Queen's U., Belfast) "29th European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Annual Meeting in Belfast, Northern Ireland"The 29th European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Annual Meeting in Belfast aims to enhance the successful hybrid format experience from the previous year, facilitating both personal encounters and remote participation. Aiming to cater for the various needs the Annual Meeting participants may require, the EAA wishes to create a safe space for scholarly debate, constructive exchange of knowledge and ideas, and secure reunion of colleagues. The EAA last held its Annual Meeting in the United Kingdom in Glasgow in 2015, and previously in Cork, Ireland, in 2005. Bringing the EAA Annual Meeting to Northern Ireland will enable UK scholars, who may feel isolated after Brexit, to actively cooperate with international colleagues and directly join the academic debate. This reflects the EAA aim to promote the development of anthropological research and the exchange of information in Europe, across national and societal boundaries. Furthermore, since Northern Ireland is a post-conflict society, having the EAA in Belfast demonstrates confidence in, and support for, the Good Friday Belfast Agreement signed 25 years ago in 1998.