Edixon Quinones Reyes

Grant Type

Conference Grant

Institutional Affiliation

Magdalena, U. del

Grant number

Gr. CONF-953

Approve Date

March 28, 2024

Project Title

Quinones Reyes, Edixon (Magdalena, U. del) "XIX Conference of the Latin American Association of Forensic Anthropology- New Challenges: Migration, Organized Crime and Complex Cases"

The forensic anthropology in Latin America was implemented as a response to the issue of enforced disappearance, in contexts of political violence, internal armed conflicts, and other situations of extreme violence, as well as murders and disappearances along migratory routes towards the USA. Since 1998, forensic anthropologists identified the need of creating an organization that would represents them, in 2003, in Sherman-Texas, with the support of Doctor Clyde Snow, the Asociacion Latinoamericana de Antropologia Forense (ALAF) was founded, it represents a substantial progress professionally and ethically for the practice in Latin America, displayed through 18 annual conferences, a certification system for forensic anthropologists and archaeologists, the publication of the Guide to Good Practices and a Journal. The annual conference gather scholars, practitioners, and civil society, from Latin America, US, Canada, and Europe, not only anthropologist, but from other related fields and diverse governmental institutions and NGO’s; its objectives, are to share experiences, discuss recent developments, promote standards and best practice. The main goal, is to contribute to the solution of the social problems that require the application of the forensic anthropology in Latin America, in context of enforced disappearances, criminality and migration.