Coralie Chevallier

Grant Type

Conference Grant

Institutional Affiliation

Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives

Grant number

Gr. CONF-725

Approve Date

September 1, 2016

Project Title

Chevallier, Dr. Coralie, Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives, Paris, France - To aid conference of 'European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association (EHBEA),' 2017, Paris, in collaboration with Dr. Nicolas Baumard

Preliminary abstract: The European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association (EHBEA) is a young and vigorous scientific community ( The annually held EHBEA conferences enable researchers working in human evolutionary behavioural sciences to meet leading scholars in the field, exchange ideas and develop new research networks. The 2017 conference is organised in Paris, France. We expect around 200 delegates, around half of them students, and apply for funding to reduce student registration fees. The conference brings together researchers from the fields of human behavioural ecology, evolutionary anthropology, cultural evolution and evolutionary psychology. The EHBEA mission statement explicitly supports the integration of these different approaches and their application to a wide range of theoretical and applied topics, such as subsistence, kinship, medicine, archaeology and economics. Participants come from within Europe, which until recently lacked such a forum, as well as from other prominent research regions including the United States. Three of five invited plenarists for the 2017 conference represent evolutionary anthropology and one of them is based in the US.