Bula Sirika Wayessa

Grant Type

Post PhD Research Grant

Institutional Affiliation

Independent Scholar

Grant number

Gr. 9980

Approve Date

August 26, 2020

Project Title

Wayessa, Bula (Independent Scholar) "A comparative study of teff and maize cultivation in the Gimbi region of Ethiopia"

WAYESSA BULA, an independent scholar, Calgary, Alberta, was awarded a grant in August 2020 to aid research on “A Comparative Study of Teff and Maize Cultivation in the Gimbi Region of Ethiopia.” This study explores the impact of the introduction of maize into southwestern Ethiopian farming systems that were once dominated by African indigenous crops such as teff, sorghum, and millet. It examines whether farmers’ decisions are shaped by free choices, constraints, or a combination of the two. Although maize was introduced to the region in the seventeenth century, it did not become popular until the mid-twentieth century. Maize was incorporated smoothly into the farming system without causing too much disruption to indigenous agrobiodiversity and farming technologies. Recently, a more significant number of farmers have shifted to maize cultivation despite the traditionally dominant position of indigenous cereal crops. The study suggests that national and international intervention in terms of research on the improvement of maize have disproportionately favored maize at the expense of native crops and impacted farmers’ decision-making on crop choices. The dominance of maize in the farming system is leading to a decline in agrobiodiversity, potentially threatening the region’s sustainability and resilience.


Wayessa, Bula (2024) Managing Climate Change in Africa: Balancing Social and Environmental Factors in Crop Selection in Southwestern Ethiopia. Econ Bot (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12231-024-09622-0