Aisha Beliso-De Jesus
Grant Type
Global InitiativesInstitutional Affiliation
Princeton U.Grant number
Gr. GIG-12Approve Date
July 15, 2021Project Title
Beliso-De Jesus, Aisha, (Princeton University) Transforming Anthropology Editorial SupportThe Wenner-Gren Foundation’s Global Initiatives Grant support has been pivotal in the continued growth and success of Transforming Anthropology (TA), a journal dedicated to advancing diverse and transformative scholarship in anthropology. Established by the Association of Black Anthropologists (ABA), TA plays a crucial role in challenging conventional perspectives and promoting research on social inequalities. The Foundation’s funding from 2021 to 2024 allowed TA to sustain essential editorial operations, including the management, editing, and production of high-quality content. This support was especially critical during TA’s transition to the University of Chicago Press, which has significantly expanded the journal’s global reach and accessibility. The partnership ensures that TA continues to serve as a leading platform for innovative research while maintaining editorial independence. The grant also enabled the ABA to explore sustainable models for the journal’s future, securing its place as a vital resource for both scholars and practitioners. The Wenner-Gren Foundation’s investment has not only preserved the journal’s legacy but also positioned it for ongoing impact in the field of anthropology and beyond.