Webinar Sept. 23rd: Toward Radical Humanism in Anthropology: Ethnographic Praxis, Relationality, Multi-Modality

On September 23rd, 12:00 PM Eastern Time, the Wenner-Gren Foundation will be hosting, “Toward Radical Humanism in Anthropology: Ethnographic Praxis, Relationality, Multi-Modality”.
In this panel, we explore artistic modalities and co-laboring as ways of knowing that offer a multi-modal attunement without pinning down or leaning on a redemptive ‘truth’. The panelists offer reflections and performances that attend to institutional and epistemic violence reproduced in the academy, state or extra/judicial systems. We look to spaces and ways of making knowledge differently that challenge us to reimagine ways of being together and collaborate in research; modes of knowing that refuse and unsettle the ‘comforts’ provided by established canons of what constitutes ‘good’ research methods, conceptual conceits and community entanglements. We reflect on praxis, reciprocity, and esthetic engagements as ways of being and knowing in this particular moment of reckoning with liberal academic discourses on anti-racism and decolonization.
Aimee Cox, PhD, Associate Professor, Yale University
Peter Morin (Tahltan Nation), Associate Professor, OCAD University
Ayumi Goto, PhD, Adjunct professor, OCAD University
Marlon Swai, PhD, Lecturer, University of Cape Town
Dara Culhane, PhD, Professor, Simon Fraser University
Erin Baines, PhD, Associate Professor, Transformative Memory Project, University of British Columbia
Pilar Riaño-Alcalá, PhD, Professor, Social Justice Institute, University of British Columbia
CART captioning will be provided.
Organized by the Association of Black Anthropologists, Anthropology Southern Africa, the Center for Experimental Ethnography, and the Transformative Memory Network