Webinar 3/1: Anthropology and the Public: Pressing Questions, Responsibilities and Opportunities
On Monday, March 1st, 4PM – 6PM (EST), Cool Anthropology invites you to attend a virtual workshop, Anthropology and the Public: Pressing Questions, Responsibilities and Opportunities. Watch here.
What are the most critical questions for anthropologists right now? And in what spaces should we be answering them? This workshop seeks to ask — and go some distance to answering — these questions. Bringing together a wide network of anthropologists from across disciplines and around the world, this event will be a multi-roomed, interactive virtual event to workshop critical ideas and areas where anthropology and anthropologists can engage and offer a strong contribution to the public good.
This event is being sponsored by The Wenner-Gren Foundation, The New York Academy of Sciences, NYAS Anth, and Berghahn Books.
While Wenner-Gren is proud to be providing a platform for this event, the views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Foundation.