NYAS @ WGF 10/24: Re-Framing Punishment [REGISTRATION REQUIRED]


Join us Monday evening October 24th at 6 PM at the Wenner-Gren Foundation for the next installment of the New York Academy of Sciences Anthropology Lecture Series. Didier Fassin, Professor of Anthropology at the Institute for Advanced Study and Andrea Barrow from Black Lives Matter will be presenting, “Re-Framing Punishment”.

Please note that, while the event is free to attend pre-registration is required for entry into the building.

Punishment has been studied for centuries by moral philosophers and legal scholars, with a particular emphasis on its definition (notably to distinguish it from vengeance) and justification (with the classic opposition between utilitarianism and retributivism). Based on ethnographic research conducted over the past ten years in France on policing, justice and prison, the lecture will challenge the normative and idealist approach, trying to analyze what punishment is and how it is justified in actual interactions between officers, judges and guards with their respective publics while illuminating what is often the blind spot of the traditional approach: the distribution of sanctions. This inductive method thus makes possible a critique of punishment that resonates with contemporary issues about law enforcement, the penal system and mass incarceration in the United States, and more broadly the punitive turn in most contemporary societies.

Buffet Dinner at 6:00 PM ($20 contribution for dinner guests / free for students).
Lectures begin at 7:00 PM and are free and open to the public.

Pre-registration is required to attend the lecture.

Missed the lecture? Listen to it now!