Wenner-Gren at the AAA’s
It’s that time again! The American Anthropological Association’s annual meeting is upon us, and Wenner-Gren will of course be on site in Montreal to take part in the discipline’s biggest event of the year. Peek below the cut for a full schedule of Wenner-Gren Foundation events and where to find us at the meeting.
Please join us at the following Foundation-sponsored events:
- Friday, November 18, 2011 Grant writing workshop: Wenner-Gren and National Science Foundation. (10:00-11:45 AM Montreal Convention Center 524B (Palais des Congrès de Montréal). Featuring Leslie Aiello from the Wenner-Gren Foundation and Deborah Winslow at the NSF. Learn how to write a successful grant proposal and talk directly to representatives of both organizations. This event is free of charge and open to all
- Friday, November 18, 2011 Wenner-Gren Foundation’s 70th Anniversary Reception. (7.00-9.00 PM Intercontinental Sarah Bernhardt (Intercontinental Montreal)). Public Reception with an open bar. Come to meet other anthropologists, celebrate 70 years of Foundation support for Anthropology, and catch up with old friends.
- Friday Nov 18and Saturday November 19, 2011 Current Anthropology Office Hours. (10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Exhibition Hall, University of Chicago Press Booth). Stop by to meet Current Anthropology Editor Mark Aldenderfer and Managing Editor Lisa McKamy.
As always, the Foundation will have a booth in the Exhibit Hall and staff will be there to answer all your questions about the Foundation.