Upcoming December-January Conferences
We bring you another slate of Wenner-Gren sponsored conferences to round out 2012 and bring us into the new year.
9th European Society for Oceanists: “The Power of the Pacific: Values, Materials, Images”
December 5-8, 2012
Bergen, Norway
“In this 9th conference of the European Society for Oceanists (ESfO) attention will be paid to how the Pacific region still presents itself as viable in the contemporary world, despite early predictions of ‘vanishing cultures’, ‘loss of value’ or ‘disappearing worlds’. ‘The Power of the Pacific’ is meant to lead the participants to present analyses of how that viability is possible. Inter-island relations, subsistence agriculture, fishing, hunting and gathering, village based social, political and religious structures are all still key for evaluating the power of the Pacific, and we still need analyses of how these structures are managed and maintained. A crucial issue is how the peoples of the Pacific are handling, in the region’s own multiple ways, challenges posed by resource scarcity, population growth, urbanization, climate change, pressures from international corporations and development agencies, and new politics of state control and foreign intervention.”
Society for Historical Archaeology: “Globalization, Immigration, Trasformation”
January 9-12, 2013
Leicester, United Kingdom
“The Society for Historical Archaeology is the world’s foremost scholarly organization for historical archaology, with a membership that reports on research from across the globe. As historical archaeologists our focus is particularly on the archaeology of the modern world, and on the transformations brought about by colonialism and capitalism. Drawing upon the broader anthropological literature, we have adopted the theme “Globalization, Immigration, Transformation’ for the 2013 meeting. Our aims with the meeting are to emphasize global connections in the study of historical archaeology, past and present, and to include scholars who would not ordinarily attend the meetings in order to explore these issues.”
7th World Archaeological Conference (WAC-7)
January 14-18, 2013
The Dead Sea, Kingdom of Jordan
“The World Archaeological Congress (WAC) is the only representative, fully international organization of practicing archaeologists committed to an inclusive, multivocal interpretation of the human past. WAC encourages open dialogue among all people concerned about the past, including scholars from under-represented parts of the world, First Nations people, and descendent communities whose pasts are told by archaeogists. The WAC-7 conference offers discussion of new archaeological research as well as archaeological policy, practice and politics.”