“Cultures of Fermentation” Wins 2023 Exemplary Cross-Fields Prize!
We’re very excited to share the news that Jessica Hendy, Matthäus Rest, Mark Aldenderfer, and Christina Warinner’s Current Anthropology article, “Cultures of Fermentation” has won the 2023 Exemplary Cross-Fields Prize from the General Anthropology Division of the American Anthropological Association! As noted by GAD, their “project stemmed from a Wenner-Gren Symposium that brought together an impressively international and interdisciplinary group from such disciplinary corners as microbiology, cultural anthropology, archaeology, and biological anthropology.”
GAD will be hosting a reception honoring 2023 winners at the American Anthropological Association. The GAD Distinguished Lecture and the Awards Ceremony and Reception will be held on Friday, November 17th, 8:00 – 10:30 PM. This year’s lecture features Damani Partridge, Professor of Anthropology and Afroamerican and African Studies at University of Michigan.