The Use of Computers in Anthropology
Jun 20-30, 1962Organized by
Dell Hymes, Sydney Lamb, A. Kimball Romney and Thomas SebeokLocation
Burg Wartenstein Conference CenterParticipants
- Silvio Ceccato University of Milan, Italy
- Harold E. Driver Indiana University, USA
- Dell Hymes, organizer University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Jean-Claude Gardin CNRS, Paris, France
- Paul L. Garvin Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc, USA
- Pierre Guiraud University of Groningen, Netherlands
- David G. Hays The Rand Corp, Santa Monica, USA
- John T. Gullahorn Michigan State University, USA
- Peter Ihm Euratom, Italy
- Robert B. Inverarity Adirondack Museum, New York, USA
- Sydney Lamb, organizer University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Wilhelm Milke Soest/Westfalen, Germany
- Roger W. Needham Cambridge University, UK
- Robert Pages CNRS et Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale, Paris, France
- Colette Piault CNRS, Paris, France
- A. Kimball Romney Stanford University, USA
- Thomas Sebeok Indiana University, USA
- Roy Wisbey Downing College, Cambridge University, UK
Wenner-Gren Symposium #18